Green Days on the Drawa River – 27-29 August 2021

For the seventh time already, the Strefa Zieleni Foundation coordinated the organisation of the Green summer university in Poland, which changed in 2020 its formula and partners, but still remains the most important annual meeting of Green politicians and green thinking activist in Poland. We will also invite as usually academia and artists.
This year more than a hundred Green and green-thinking people met on August 27-29, 2021, at the junction of three provinces: Wielkopolskie, Zachodniopomorskie and Lubuskie, in the Pestkownica settlement belonging to the Krzyż Wielkopolski commune, in the Drawska Great Forest – 200 km east of Berlin.
It was our second summer meeting during the coronavirus pandemic, which has shaken the human world, but also gave breath and space to other species.
The coronavirus pandemic is strong evidence that we cannot destroy the habitats of other species with impunity. We also have painful proof of the importance of public services, for which the Greens have always been fighting, health and education in particular.
The pandemic has become an opportunity and a pretext for the ruling parties in some countries, including Poland, to weaken democracy, strengthen authoritarianism, weaken local governence, limit the freedom of the media and civic organizations, in violation of the rule of law and human rights, especially women and LGBTQ+ rights and dignity. Will we be able to stop and reverse this process? We started with a powerful message of Terry Reintke, MEP

After what we had a great debate that you can watch here:

The pandemic did not stop the advancing climate catastrophe, the pro-climate and pro-ecological transformation must take place as soon as possible. The European Union is not deviating from the path marked by the European Green Deal, the United States has joined it thanks to the new President Joe Biden, that’s good news. But the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow was a deception – it didn’t bring about a breakthrough in the level of global climate ambition.

With the video of introduction of Michael Bloss, MEP , we started a debate on the new geopolitics of recovery, climate and resources. The message of the German Green MEP from Stuttgart was clear and strong: the climate change is here, also in Europe, where many people already suffer from floods and forest fires. But we have in the EU the most ambitious climate law in the world, that Michael Bloss negociated on behalf of the European Parliament. He thanks the Polish Green MPs for a great cooperation to make this law possible. The Polish MPs lead the debate inside their parliamentary group and convinced some deputies of their group. The plenary debate convinced some deputies from the governing coalition that this law was an opportunity also for Poland. Only a few voices made this vote successful in the Polish parliament. It’a very important vote and the Polish Greens largely contributed to this success. Now the EU must show the road to other countries, must show that this transition is possible and will bring prosperity. The renewables are already the cheapest energy in Germany, it could be the same in Poland, where coal and gas should not be considered as the only option. We need a strong interconexion of our grids, we need to act together to stop the shameful Nord Stream 2 project said Michael Bloss, hoping that German Greens will be in the government after the election (on 26 Seprember 2021). Germans and Poles should act together, in strong cooperation, to reinforce the European climate adaptation and new carbon neutral economy.
Polish Green MP Urszula Zielińska confirmed her close cooperation with Michael Bloss on the EU climate law, but at the same time admitted that she doesn’t believe that this government will respect it. She discussed with Green and green-thinking activists and experts: Dariusz Szwed (economist, Green Institute, former co-chair of the Partia Zieloni), Tomasz Piątek (investigation journalist), Joanna Maria Stolarek (director of Heinrich Boll Foundation in Warsaw) and Richard Wauters from the Dutch Green foundation Wetenschappelijk Bureau GroenLinks.
Richard Wauters, the main author of the GEF publication „Metals for a Green and Digital Europe. An Agenda for Action” , presented the challenges related to the green and digital transition, focussing on geopolitic consequences of a drastic need of metals for the necessary transition, also so called „rare earths” today almost entirely imported from China. Full introduction of circular economy will not be enough.
The debate was rich and many issues were discussed. Tomasz Piątek shed a light on the strategies of countries like China and Russia, which are already prepering to get a strong, if not leading place on the political stage in the post-fossil world, and how the digital (r)evolution influences the new geopolitics. Richard Wouters shared some recommendations for the EU: what should be the EU strategy and approach in relation to poor countries which have resources needed for the new green and digital economy, criticizing the WTO complaint of the EU against Indonesia which stopped exporting some metals to the EU, to build their own value chains.
The discussion also turned around the issue how countries like Poland, the first EU producer of copper, should adapt: opening new mines in new regions (like lubuskie voivodie, near the German border), to the detriment of the environment and local communities? The European Commission strongly encourages it. What should be our Green position on those ambitions is still an open question. One thing is sure, we must know the best environmental and social standards in the copper mining sector to reduce as much as possible harms when it’s not possible to prevent new mining.
One thing that the debate showed, defended strongly by Dariusz Szwed, is that the EU has no other way as to be not only on the front line of ambitious energy and digital transition, but must first of all look very quickly how to introduce changes in economic model and in the models of consumption. Less quantity more quality of coursemust be searched, but also the holy concept of GDP growth should be more and faster challenged. „Degrowth” or „post-growth” are not popular terms, Dariusz proposes to introduce the new one, easier for communication: „coiling”, in Polish „zwój” (development in Polish is „rozwój”). New economies must be promoted, more feminist, more green, more focused on the commons and on research and advise how to design another systemic and concrete solutions to build resilient communities, especially carbon neutral, resilient and largely autonomous cities, based on inclusion and real needs of people in a resilient and biodiverse environment. Elinor Ostrom with her economy of commons and Kate Raworth with the doughnut economy show the directions.
The Greens will for sure continue this debate, to be on the front line of trials and proposals that will come and promote the ones that are already here. The Benelux is in the avant-garde, we see it very well in GEF transnational projects like in the one on metals or others on the commons. Cities are experimenting new solutions.

The green recovery concerns also regions and cities, that’s why one of plenary debates was devoted to this topic. We asked Jakop Dalunde, Swedish MEP who was before local councillor in Stokholm, to share with us his experiences.
We invited also to this debate: Elżbieta Anna Polak (President of the Region of Lubuskie, online), Miłosława (Miłka) Stępień (Akcja Konin/ Bankwatch), Aleksandar Giorgijevski (Sunrise Foundation, Nth Macedonia, representative of the GEF project “Cities as a place of hope”). Chaired by: Przemysław Słowik (Green local councillor in Szczecin)
This debate was co-organised by the Green European Foundation, with the support of Strefa Zieleni, as part of the project ”Cities as Places of Hope” of the Green European Foundation, with the financial support of the European Parliament to the Green European Foundation
The debate can be watched in Polish:

The digital revolution is here, the covid crisis accelerated it. But this very quick development of digital economy and civilisation must be also challenged and questionned. What place we want to give to the Artificial Intelligence and to the tools that take a big part of our freedom and anonymity? It’s not only the problem of jobs, labour market and taxes, it’s also ethical debate and many health issues.

That’s why, for the first time at the Polish Green summer university, we introduced an expert and political debate on this topic, with Kim Van Sparrentak, young Green MEP very much involved in the framing of the EU digital policies and three Polish panelists: Anna Adamowicz (Polish technology philosopher, online), Maciej Józefowicz (Partia Zieloni) and Karolina Iwańska (Fundacja Panoptykon, online). The debate was chaired by: Ioana Banach (GEF director).
First, Anna Adamowicz gave some general vue. She stressed that we can be sure that the technology will enter our lives. It will not be developed by NASA, it will concern our homes. It’s time to consider good practices and regulations for companies. There is a need for a serious debate on technology in the context of human rights. Who the technology belongs to is crucial, and who controls it. In Silicon Valley, technological advancement goes hand in hand with neoliberal capitalism. We have a lot of social movements today to get technology back to society. We need user education, awareness of our rights and our ability to defend ourselves. Machine learning is shaped by patriarchal structures as a technology of middle-class white men. But technology is constantly evolving. She ended more optimistically, that we can have an autonomous, feminist approach to technology.

Kim van Sparrentak stressed that digital technologies must be regulated at EU level as companies could register in countries with more liberal laws. On her example, she admitted that we are addicted – she also starts her day with social media. It’s true that technology makes our lives easier. We can connect and communicate easily. But the enormous growth of social media platforms began to threaten us and the economy. First, we are easy to follow and control. Activities performed by employees are easily controlled down to the second. Face tracking technology is also used by employers. Employers can easily check who we are voting for, what are our sexual preferences and whether we have children. We are more and more enslaved, because platforms deliberately try to make us spend as much time on them as possible, because thanks to this they have greater profits from advertising. They also do not combat hate speech, because content full of hate engages people more. It may also turn out that it is a big problem who decides who can be on the platform and according to what criteria. For example, on Twitter, the supervisory board decides who can be and who not, the views of the user count. When a platform has no competition, it can focus on profits and exclude those who are not making profits. A small group has great power. They can, among others prevent other business models from entering the market.
Here is the statement on DMA/DSA and AI that Kim Van Sparrentak sent to us in case if the connexion was not possible:
Think about it. How do you all start your morning? Do you read what has happened in the world on various news apps or Twitter? Scroll through instagram or check your messages? Or maybe check your phone’s sleep analysis? Or start your day with some music or podcasts?
Whichever it is, let’s admit it. In some way or another, we have all become dependent on our phones, apps, computers and tablets.
And rightly so. Digitalisation and online access to information and services has made life so much more easy in the last 20 years. It saves us queing at the bank, hours of administration and even trips to the shops. But not only is life made easier, the internet also has immense potential. It has the potential to make information easily accessible, to connect people globally and to mobilise communities.
But over the past twenty years, and especially the past decade, rapid developments have shown us online platforms and new technologies can also pose a very real threat to fundamental rights, our democracies and our economies.
And I would like to highlight some of the huge challenges we currently face as a society in digitalisation and that will only become more pressing and have disastrous consequences if we do not act now.
One of the biggest dangers is that we are all constantly being tracked, analysed and surveilled. This does not only happen online, also at school, or even on the streets. At work there are examples of employees’ exact performance constantly being measured in real-time by the second, including bathroom breaks. Or, for example in education, the way children learn and how they develop is monitored in detail and automated as education becomes more and more digital. And in the public space, we increasingly see that governments and private companies install facial recognition cameras to identify us without us even knowing.
But also online platforms track our every move on the internet and collect and infer super personal information about us. What you vote, your sexuality, whether you have children, but also whether you have disabilities or addictions and even what your personality is like. Collecting and exploiting as much of our personal data, selling predictions of human behaviour and manipulating people just to grab our attention are what drives their business models. In our current society, a small number of very big Tech companies have become hugely powerful this way.
Shocking and extreme content draws more clicks and attention, so platforms can keep people on the platform for longer and sell you more ads. This means shocking and extreme content is promoted by platforms’ algorithms, while for example LGBTI content and research is demoted. And this also means companies profit from hate and disinformation on a large scale. Pretty toxic and dangerous right?
The same big corporations that profit from this business model are now being asked to act as referees of our public debates and do so willingly. This shows Big Tech’s power over our freedom of expression.
Obliging these platforms to censor what is happening online is not the solution. By doing so we only reinforce their power to decide what is and what is not acceptable online and we put our democratic debates in the hands of corporations. We have to tackle root causes. These are:
1). A small number of very large and powerful platforms.
2). Controlling our public debate.
3). And amplifying fake news and hate on a large scale.
4). Specifically targeting certain people.
5). For profit.
But unfortunately, these companies, like Twitter, Facebook and Google are not only in charge of our online public space. This same oligopoly of Tech companies are also largely in charge of our digital infrastructures that we are becoming increasingly dependent on, entire digital markets and our data. And they are set on entering our public services, such as education or health care, as we can see for example from the Google/Fitbit acquisition aimed at collecting health data to enter the health market as a strong force. As digitalisation increases, our society’s dependence on these small numbers of Big Tech companies only grows too. Unless we act now.
Our current EU rules have not been adequate to tackle the dynamics of new digital markets. This has led to the gigantic market power of a few very large platforms. And their power means that they can dictate the rules – often abusing their power towards consumers and businesses’. Big Tech does everything they can to keep certain business models off the market. All so they can maintain a powerful position and so consumers don’t have a choice between different services. Without alternative platforms to go to to reach your friends, to reach the public or to access a service, both users and smaller companies just have to click accept all and live with abusive terms and conditions. This leaves us helpless against the rapidly growing power of big tech companies over our lives, economy and public services
We need to create a digital single market where we – people and democratic institutions – set the rules democratically and where market power does not decide on what is right and what is wrong and who can participate. Our digital future needs to be radically different. It is time to break the power of Big Tech and stop these dangerous business models and dangerous technologies in the DSA, DMA and AI Act.
And a last challenge I would like to mention is the environmental impact of the Tech sector which is according to some calculations the same as that of the aviation industry. The environmental impact of the ICT sector is now consistently overlooked in EU digital policy making. While the impact is enormous and digital technologies will simply not magically solve the climate crisis. We need clear rules and actions to make sure the digital transition does not hamper the green deal.
Now you’ve heard about the dangers and challenges we face, I can still promise you that there is hope. Over the past 20 years EU internet laws have remained the same. And AI-legislation was non-existent. But, now it’s about time for an update. This is where the Digital Services Act, Digital Markets Act and Artificial Intelligence Act are our unique chance to bring change.
We have the opportunity to shape the digital future we want, rethink and protect our society and democracy and open our digital markets for different innovative players again. And as the first in the world with such rules, the EU can set global standards for what the internet and digital technologies will look like in the future. But, this will all only happen if we act ambitiously and dare to turn things around. And the world is watching.
First and foremost, we need to defend fundamental rights in our digital age. We need to fight for our right to privacy by banning the toxic business models based on our personal data online and by banning pervasive AI-driven surveillance, for example on the streets or at work. And we need to defend the freedom of expression by taking the power over what is allowed online and offline out of the hands of Big Tech companies and putting it back in the hands of our democratic institutions.
Secondly, we need to Break Big Tech’s unlimited power and make our society less dependent on a small number of private companies. We need to stop them from using their market power, data power and unlimited financial resources to leverage to new markets and enter every aspect of our society and lives. We can do this with more serious scrutiny of Big Tech acquisitions, strong enforcement and clear rules to stop abuse of power from the start.
Thirdly, we need to make sure the digital transition promotes and does not hamper the green transition. I will fight to make sure the DSA, DMA and the AI Act, but also other upcoming legislation takes the environmental impact and environmental risks of the ICT sector seriously and obliges companies to limit the environmental impact of digital products and services.
Only then can we ensure a free, democratic, safe and sustainable digital future where fundamental rights are respected both online and offline.

As Greens, we want to create a single market where we citizens-users make the rules, not just a small group – explaned Kim Van Sparrentak. Regulating the social media service sector is a great challenge. But this also applies to other technologies, such as the aviation industry. The EU is very important because it sets global standards. The world is watching us. Therefore, we must fight to ensure that our data is not available to everyone. Limit what is allowed, try to make us less dependent on the few big companies. Technology affects all aspects of life. Therefore, preventing abuse is very important, as is fighting to reduce the impact on the environment. Companies must be obliged to do so, they cannot be voluntary actions, because it does not work.
Karolina Iwańska explaned the Polish context and challenges, focussing on the issue of Artificial Intelligence. She explained that in Poland it is like everywhere else: some people say that AI will solve all our problems, another group is afraid that AI will take our jobs, etc. Both of these approaches are wrong. For example, you can regulate AI to prevent bad technology and get rid of risky technologies. Not only through labelling, but also through clear prohibitions. This is the direction of regulation in the EU. For exemple biometrics is a problem, without our knowledge it is unacceptable and must be prohibited.
AI won’t solve everything underlines Iwańska. Systems are built by governments have not proven themselves. It is not the best tool to explain our decisions and choices. In Poland, SI is in banks, in e-commerce, but maybe it should be in the government? Perhaps we could then better understand certain decisions. AI also makes it easier to track down fraud, e.g. abuse of benefits. In Poland, unemployment benefits were controlled in this way, but through a very non-transparent system. Panoptykon went to the Constitutional Court and this action was stopped. Let’s be careful with AI, but don’t give up on it. On the other hand, regulations and their needs must be consulted with the civil society. Because AI can also have a negative impact. The impact of AI on people has to be assessed.
Maciej Józefowicz works with blockchain. He explaned that blockchain is an advanced and encrypted method of data recording. It is very difficult to forge or falsify a record. It’s also harder to break into. Behind it there is an autonomous system of currencies, independent of banks and linked to a great computing power. When combining these two things cryptocurrencies emerged, governments began to show interest in them. In Poland, work is also underway on the digital national currency. Both applications have challenges and dangers. When we live in a stable country with a stable currency, we do not need these technologies.

Bitcoin is a technology that gives great opportunities, especially where there are no bank margins and there is high inflation. No account required, all you need is an app on your phone. It allows you to bypass the traditional banking system. The first country in the world to legalize bitcoin is Salvador. It is a digital file in which you can set, for example, the expiry date of money. Or only buying limited activities. If, for example, the government is against abortion, you may not be able to buy an abortion book in digital currency … The Greens pay attention to two aspects: very high energy consumption (bitcoin uses as much energy as Belgium) and crime. On both of these issues, the Greens are working on EU regulations. Standards are proposed for minimum energy consumption, as in washing machines. In the field of cybercrime, all institutions providing services should be subject to control processes and comply with the rules of transparency.
The pandemic and its effects on public health, domestic violence, the economic crisis and the looming climate emergency all have a catastrophic effect on the mental state of citizens. This is especially true for young people. The crisis of education, a difficult start on the labor market, the fear-inducing prospects for the future of the world in the era of climate change, increase anxiety and self-destructive behavior, in the absence of the help of public authorities – the Greens must look for ways to support the young people in these extremely difficult times.
Nevertheless, or even more so, the green wave is growing in Europe, and not only in western and northern Europe, as shown by the successes of the Greens in Hungary, Croatia and Bulgaria. Perhaps because the Greens have long been looking for answers to the problems bothering the world today and more and more often have the opportunity to prove that they did not waste any time. Green ministers, parliamentarians and councilors as well as thousands of activists and experts in Europe and on other continents exchange experience and knowledge.
The world is moving in such a direction that the Greens are and will be doomed to electoral success, so they must be ready to take responsibility at all levels – local, regional, national and European. They must learn quickly and build partnerships and cooperation with those who understand today’s challenges and have a similar vision of the world of the future. Young people must be heard and get more political importance, but we must avoid competition between young and seniors and build solidarity and cooperation between those groups, both easily descriminated and strongly affected by the covid crisis.
These topics were discussed at a seminar organized by the Heinrich Boll foundation in Warsaw, in partnership with the Polish young Greens „Ostra Zieleń”. The seminar was separately described on our webside in Polish.
Green Days conference is a very important tool for the Polish Green movement. As always, there was a lot going on. We continue with hybrid meetings – partly on site, partly online. We placed on youtube as much debates and workshops as we could register in a good enough quality of sound.
To sum up, the following thematic blocks and partnerships took place:
- In partnership with the Greens / EFA group in the European Parliament, under the title „Green debate on the Future of Europe” :
- Europe of values, democracy, human rights and the rule of law (MEPs: Terry Reintke and Jakop Dalunde)
- Green Europe of regions and cities – recovery and climate challenges (MEP: Jakop Dalunde)
- Europe and Poland in the new global geopolitics of recovery, climate and resources (MEP: Michael Bloss)
- Digital economy and artificial intelligence – ethics, responsibility, human rights (MEP: Kim van Sparrentak)
- (round table) Does Europe need genetic modification of living organisms? – precautionary principle and biodiversity in the Green vision (with Greens/EFA campaigner: Francizka Achterberg)
- (round table) Ecological bombs – how to neutralize them? Necessary remediation of post-industrial pollution (online meeting of polluted regions’ stakeholders with Green politicians)
- In partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation office in Warsaw and the association Ostra Zieleń (Polish young Greens): „Democracy does not fall from the sky – youth activism”:
- How to transform street activism into political involvment?
- Old and Young in Times of Crisis – Intergenerational Solidarity or Competition?
- What is the local governence for, and for whom? How can youth councils cooperate with local governments? (game of roles)
- In partnership with the Green European Foundation: „On the road to COP26 in Glasgow”:
- Women on the way to Glasgow – climate and feminist diplomacy and foreign policy (panel)
- Agriculture friendly for climate, farmers, biodiversity, consumer health, animal welfare and future generations – utopia or necessity? – plenary debate [also in partnership with the Living Earth Coalition and the Program Group for food and agriculture of the Polish Greens]
- In partnership with the Congress of Women: „Green Congress of Women” of regional leaders of the Congress of Women:
- The European Green Deal, covid recovery and gender budgeting (debate)
- Ecofeminism in action roundtable
- Closed meeting of the regional leaders of the CoW
- In partnership with the Green Party „Summer University of the Greens” :
- The Green Recovery Plan for Poland and the presentation of the Party Program Groups
- (round table) United to save the Odra River
- closed trainings (internal program of the Green Party)
We distributed a paper edition of Zielone Wiadomości green journal on the recovery and post-recovery economy that you can find online on (in Polish).

As always, there were some nature escapades, this time they included the issues of river renaturalisation. There was also some artivist program and ad hoc initiatives prepared with help of two wonderful artist Elżbieta Hołoweńko and Jarosław Malicki.

Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart, ph.: + 48-664673700,
Michal Suchora, ph .: + 48-725536075,
The full English program of the Green Days on the Drawa River is here:
To compare the Green Days 2021 with the event in 2020, you will find below the program of the Green Days 2020 in Sokołowsko.
Green Days in Sokołowsko – 28-30 August 2020
Zielone Dni w Sokołowsku
We invite you to Sokołowsko, in the sourth-west of Poland, in the Sudety Mountains, not far from both the German and the Czech borders.
We invite you to the Zdrowie cinema-theater, Główna str. 36 in Sokołowsko (and to other facilities managed by our partner – the Foundation of the Contemporary Art IN SITU) for three events:
On August 28-30, MEP Jakop Dalunde (Sweden, the Greens / EFA group in the European Parliament) and the Strefa Zieleni Foundation invite to the seminar:
„Green Project for Europe”
Free admission, Polish-English translation
Friday 28.08
9:15 – Opening, welcoming the participants
9:30 – Jakop Dalunde „Green Recovery Plan for Europe” – introduction to the discussion
9:45 – 11:15 „Green Vision for the Future of Europe after Corona” – debate – Jakop Dalunde, Małgorzata Tracz, Joanna Stolarek, Michal Berg, lead by: Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart and Wojciech Kubalewski
11:30 – 13:00 „What Energy Transition for Climate Neutrality in 2050?” – Radosław Gawlik and his guests: Jakop Dalunde, Miłosława Stępień, Marcin Harembski
15:00 – 16:30 „Will the Circular Economy Save Economic Growth and Future Generations?„ – Krzysztof Rzyman and his guests: Anna Pięta, Piotr Barczak (online), Tomasz Wojciechowski, introduction: „power speech” by Anna Pięta
19:30 – 21:00 „Culture in Times of Crisis” – performative lecture by Sebastian Cichocki (video), discussion with Cecylia Malik, Ewa Ciepielewska, Jakub Falkowski, moderator: Michał Suchora
„The European Green Deal in Times of Pandemic”
Free admission, Polish-English translation
Saturday 29.08
9:15 – Opening, welcoming the participants
9:30 – 11:00 „What Role will the European Green Deal Play for Poland, Europe and the World?” – debate – Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart and Wojciech Kubalewski, and their guests: Jacek Wasik (online), Adam Wajrak (online), Laura Kroschewski and Baptiste Aguila (online), Dorothy Nalubega (Uganda, online), Justyna Zwolińska, Krzysztof Bestry
15:00 – 16:30 “Ecofeminism. How to Make the Green Transformation Friendly to Women? ” – round table with: Sylwia Spurek, prof. Magdalena Środa (online), Dr. Ewa Rumińska-Zimny (online), Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart, Karolina Skowron (online), moderated by: Magdalena Gałkiewicz and Aleksandra Kołeczek; with the participation of Joanna Piotrowska (online) and plenipotentiaries of the Congress of Women from the Lower Silesia region [the round table is organised in partnership with the Congress of Women Association, the venue: Villa Rosa, Różana str. 1]
1700 – 18:30 „Green Deal for Lower Silesia” – debate – Małgorzata Beślerzewska and her guests: Małgorzata Tracz, Roman Szełemej, Szymon Chojnowski, Irena Kamińska
The participants will receive a special edition of „Green News” magazine (Zielone Wiadomości) devoted to the green transformation and the future of Europe, Poland, the world and the region, after the coronavirus.
Media partner:

Practical information:
Registration and information for the participants of the Summer University of Zieloni and for the panelists:
Other participants : transport, accommodation and meals on their own, free admission, free participation in events, offered coffee breaks.
Sanitary requirements due to covid-19: a mask or a visor is obligatory, disinfectants will be in place.
Michal Suchora, Tel .: + 48-725536075,
Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart, Tel: + 48-664673700,
Registration mandatory, only for the participants of the Summer University of Zieloni and for the panelists:
The payment for the accommodation managed by the Strefa Zieleni Foundation must be paid before the departure, by bank transfer to the account of the Strefa Zieleni Foundation (please bring a confirmation of the transfer):
66 1020 1097 0000 7602 0237 0450 title: „participation in LUZ2020”
(from abroad: IBAN: PL66 1020 1097 0000 7602 0237 0450, Swift / BIC: BPKOPLPW)
Fundacja Strefa Zieleni (Green Zone Foundation) promotes political ecology, initiates and drives political debate and search for new political solutions, supports local, national, european and global actions – in line with the ideals and the vision of the Greens: sustainable development, climate, nature and environment protection, social justice and crisis-resistant social policy, rule of law, participatory democracy, freedom of conscience, separation of church and state, freedom of medias and digital rights, responsible governance, corporate social responsibility, green and resilient economy and taxation, fair international trade, agroecology and food sovereignty, human righs, equality of civic rights, feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, pacifism and no-violence.
In Europe, the Foundation cooperates with the Green European Foundation (GEF) and other Green foundations, think-tanks and instituts, and with the European Green Party (EGP) and the Green/EFA group in the European Pariament, promoting their actions and publications.
In Poland, the Foundation collaborates with a number of NGOs and with Polish Green Party (Partia Zieloni), supporting activities like conferences, debates and workshops, exhibitions and other events designed to promote Green visions, ideals and political programs. We also support the independent newspaper Zielone Wiadomości (Green News,
Our Executive Board:
EWA SUFIN-JACQUEMART, President of the Board (Twitter: @esufin), is graduated in sociology from Warsaw University and the Sorbonne in Paris. After few different studies and carriers, between others as a diplomat (Consul of Poland in Luxemburg 2007-2011), she is since 2012 director of the Green Polish foundation “Strefa Zieleni” and coordinates the Green Centre of the Congress of Women.
BEATA NOWAK, Member of the Board, is editor in chief of the Green News magazine (Zielone Wiadomości,, urban and environmental activist. Founder member of the Polish Green party Partia Zieloni (formed as Zieloni 2004) and of the Congress of Urban Movements.
MICHAŁ SUCHORA, Member of the Board, art critic, art historian and sociologist by education. Co-owner of the BWA Warszawa gallery showing the most interesting phenomena in contemporary Polish and international art. Member of the National Fellow Court of the Green Party.
To promote the Green policy in Poland, to oppose the destruction of wonderful Polish natural heritage, the state of law, tolerance and democracy, the Foundation needs your support. Citizens expect an alternative and politics turned to the future! As we get no public funding, we need money to rise an ecological and democratical awarness of Polish citizens and speed up this proces.
To support Green actions and Green publications in Poland, we need your help.
Send your donation to:
FUNDACJA STREFA ZIELENI, 00-167 Warszawa, ul. M. Anielewicza 15/43
IBAN: PL66 1020 1097 0000 7602 0237 0450
Bank: PKO BP SA, Od. 3, Warszawa, ul. Marszałkowska 100-102, 00-950 Warszawa, Poland